Reiki Energy Healing

What is healing and how does it work?

Energy/ Reiki Healing works for the greatest highest good by working with light and pure intentions. The energy clears blocked pathways of the body and if you work in the outer field off of the physical body which I myself do, the aura can be cleared too.

It works by dispersing negative energy, dissipating old/stagnant energy, shifting energy that no longer serves you, enabling your life force energy to rise and bring a balanced, regulated homeostasis to your mind, body & soul.

What do I do as your healer?

I create a safe space to enable a person to release anything within their mind, body & soul that is causing them stress, pain or low vital life force. I act as a channel, directing the divine reiki energy to work for the greatest highest good to the persons needs.

As a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master I have been attuned to reiki energy and practicing since 2008. I have studied with 4 different masters all connected and taught by the Usui lineage. Dr Usui was the founder of Reiki in Japan over 100 years ago.

In the years I have been practicing I have seen and experienced remarkable healing one thing that is required  is honesty.

Our healing lies in being truthful of who we are, what we have experienced and felt, good, bad and ugly it is only in your authentic self that you can fully let go we cannot heal & grow in disguise or delusion.

I cannot take it off of you, you do the work by taking ownership and trusting the process, I act as a channel in a complete open, safe, non-judgmental way.

We are all souls having a human experience, non of us are perfect, our souls are eternal they are here to learn, to grow, to evolve during your lifetime on earth.

It takes great strength to be honest, I fully respect those true, strong souls that are willing to do the work to heal, it is not an easy feat I know because I’ve been there it may be the hardest yet greatest thing you ever do in your entire life.

I love nothing more than being the support & channel for you to do so, you will have my open mind & heart to hold you.

What is required from you as a patient?

Honesty and responsibility this enables your recovery.

Can you heal diseases?

Can you heal bereavement?

Can you heal heartache?

Can you heal trauma?

How are all of these very different ailments the same in the effect they have on the physical body?

Our thoughts, feelings, traumas, ill-health/disease can cause too much inflammation of the cells (a little is good and necessary) an overspill of inflammation will deplete your vital force.

Reiki healing improves your vitality it helps you to re-connect to your body, it clears blocked or stagnant energy that no longer serves you, releases stress from the body, relaxes your mind and improves your vital energy force.

I am a big believer in treating a person as a whole to achieve complete vitality, I use a wholistic approach to align the mind, body and soul as one.

The Science Part 👇

Disease/ill-health is held in the physical, mental and emotional bodies. #MindBodySoul

Everything is energy our thoughts, feelings, habits, actions, environment, lifestyle, relationships.

We are what we eat, when we eat, put on our body, In our body, what we think, what we do, who we do 😉 who we spend our time with and where we spend it. Everything is connected and rooted - imagine the underground roots of trees interconnecting and communicating 🌲

Deep rooted generational patterns of the emotional, mental and physical energetic code can be healed by interacting with the intelligence of the cells - the 90% exo that has no ego, it entrusts the healing energies to help clean the gunk.

Our ancestral energies/life-lineage can be found in our energy systems and cells of the body, during a reiki energy healing we can manipulate our epigenetics by clearing the old stagnant energies and genes.

This indicates layers of conscious awareness of the cell energetics, a scientific explanation of how true healing takes place on all levels 🧬


*It is known that 10% of a cell is DNA from genetics the remaining  90% is ‘exo’ meaning the remaining of the cell ‘its outer energy’ our cells are hugely influenced by all of that remaining 90% *Reference; Deepak Chopra - Quantum Body.

What is Epigenetics?

Epigenetics is the changing of genes - the process that turns genes on and off, also known as activating or silencing genes, these changes can be influenced by diet, lifestyle, environment and energy *Reference; Dr Ben Lynch - Dirty Genes.

What does this mean?

It means that the remaining 90% is influenced by external factors - food, lifestyle, environment, relationships. It also means that you have the power to heal yourself, alter the 90% of the cell, change your genes or shall we say clean your genes. You can heal, we can heal, the power of your health & healing is in your hands & those of the healer.

Here is where science meets spirituality, explaining the unexplained, the epilogue of miracles that happen on the healing couch, It is enlightening to have the how answer after many years seeing, feeling, witnessing and experiencing what was once almost unexplainable in the healing world.

Optimal Health needs a multidimensional approach, diet/nutrition is essential, lifestyle equally so, however to achieve complete ease free of dis-ease the physical/energetic/epigenetic bodies need healing.

When you work on all areas mind, body & soul; treating the person as a whole full health transformation can take place bringing all into alignment.

The fusion of functional medicine, ownership of one’s health, healing the energetic body and coaching your mind is where complete health lies this is the key to transformation.

You can heal and transform yourself - I can help you; Live well, Feel well, Look well, Be your best self - energised and full of vitality ✨

Let’s Get Well 🤍🤍🤍


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